22 Aug 2012


Click & listen to Togbe Afede
Togbe Afede XIV, Agbogbomefia of the Asogli state and President of the Volta regional house of chiefs has called on Ghanaians not to focus only on praying for peace during elections but also work towards ensuring the peace and unity of the country, stressing that ‘prayer alone cannot lead to peace’.
Togbe Afede underscored the importance of peace and stability in the socio-economic development of the country and stated the maintenance of peace and unity in the country requires the collective efforts of every Ghanaian. This he said can only be possible when ‘we uphold the principles of freedom and justice’ as enshrined in the nation’s motto.
The Agbogbomefia was speaking at a well attended durbar of chiefs and people of the Volta region in honour of President John Mahama who was on a ‘thank you’ tour to the region in Ho on Tuesday.
Togbe Afede used the opportunity to congratulate President Mahama on his elevation to the high office of the land and commended him for the befitting burial accorded his predecessor President John Mills who died in office.
He also commended the president for his role in the recent Hohoe conflict and reminded him to expedite action on processes that would restore total peace in the area.  
Togbe Afede again called on the president to ensure that projects started by his predecessor in the region are completed emphasizing the eastern corridor road, which has begun and the University of Health and Allied sciences, which is expected to commence in September.
 He however thanked the government for its effort to protect the coastal areas of the region by initiating the sea defense project and called on the people to support the project to protect the area from sea erosion.
The agbogbomefia asked for God’s guidance for the President Mahama and urged him to be courageous and decisive in order to get the best people, who would help him bring development to Ghanaians.

Addressing the enthusiastic gathering, President John Mahama thanked the people of the region for their immense support during the funeral of the late President Mills and pledged to continue his “legacy of peace”.
He said Ghana has gained high reputation within the international community thru its show of unity during the death of president Mills and said there is the need for Ghanaians to live up to that image
President Mahama pledged to complete all development projects started by the late president, particularly, the two projects dear to the hearts of the people of Volta Region- the Eastern Corridor Road project as well as the University of Allied and Public Health.
In this regard, the president has announced that government has secured 10million dollars to expand facilities at the University of Health and Allied Sciences.
He also said the Brazilian government has approved 240 million dollars loan for the construction of the Eastern Corridor roads which cut across the Volta and Northern regions.
President Mahama disclosed that the exploration of oil in the Keta basin is ongoing with high prospects and appealed to the people to continue to support the government in its effort to bring development to the country.
The president reiterated his commitment to ensuring peaceful, free and fair elections. Stating that, the 2012 elections would be ‘the most peaceful and most successful that Ghana will ever have.”

The president earlier, visited victims of the tidal waves attack in Keta and presented them with some items to alleviate their plight. He also made brief stops at Sogakofe, Dabalah, srogbe and anloga, where he addressed mini durbars.
A High-powered government delegation including Hon. Edward Doe Adzaho, first Deputy Speaker of Parliament, Mr Joe Gidisu, Minister for Roads and Highway, Akua Sena Dansua, Minister for Tourism, Dzifa Attivor, Deputy Minister for Transport, and Dr Kwabena Adjei, National Chairman of the National Democratic Congress (NDC), accompanied the president on the tour.
Present at the durbar also were MDCEs, MPs, assembly members, executives of various political parties, the clergy, traditional rulers and people from all walks of life across the region.
Click here to see photographs of the president visit

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