19 Aug 2012

President Mahama to visit Ho on Tuesday

President John Dramani Mahama would on Tuesday August 21, be in the Volta region as part of his ‘thank you’ tour of country to thank the people of the Region for their support during the death and final funeral rites of his predecessor late President John Atta Mills.
Briefing the press on Friday, Henry Ford Kamel, the Volta Regional minister said President Mahama would as part of the tour, make a stopover at various places in the region including Akplortorkor sea defense project and Dabalah to inspect progress of work and commission completed Getfund projects respectively.
The President and his entourage would then move to Ho, where he would inspect the progress of work on the University of Health and Allied Sciences and later address a grand durbar at the Jubilee Park in the afternoon.
President Mahama is also expected to hold a closed-door meeting with the regional executives of the National Democratic Congress (NDC).
This would be the first time, the former Vice President and now President John Mahama would be visiting the region since his ascension to the high office of the land after the untimely demise of his predecessor President John Mills on July 24.

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