9 Aug 2013

ECG Staff and Ho NASPA, donates to Madamfo Ghana Children’s home

ECG Staff with some of the rescued children and Care givers
The Senior Staff Association of the Electricity Company of Ghana,(ECG) Volta region and the Ho Municipal Chapter of the National Service Personnel Association (NASPA) have, in separate activities, donated educational materials and assorted food items, respectively to the Madamfo Ghana orphanage home in Ho yesterday.
The ECG senior staff, led by the Acting Regional General Manager, Mr. Bernard Tetteh, presented educational materials including, school bags, books, foot wears, among others worth over GHC 1,500.
The donation according to Mr. Tetteh was in fulfillment of a promise made to the orphanage during an earlier donation to the home when ECG senior Staff had their quadrennial national conference earlier this year.
The acting manager said the association was touched by the plights of the children at the orphanage and promise the association’s continues support for the upkeep of the children.
 Led by their vice president, Ms. Comfort Agyare, the executives of the Ho municipal NASPA presented items including bags of rice and toiletries, valued at GhC 1,000.
Mr. Lawrence Ayivi, NASPA organizer, said the association deemed fit as part of their national service week celebrations,  to reach out to the less privileged by donating their widow's mite to help put smiles on the faces of children who have been rescued from child slavery.

Ms.Dzamesi receiving the items from Ho NASPA Executives
Ms. Happy Dzamesi, the home director, who  received the items on behalf of  Madanfo Ghana  expressed her profound gratitude to both associations for their kind gestures and appealed to other benevolent organizations to support the orphanage to carter for the over 100 children rescued from slavery by Madamfo Ghana in collaboration with the department of Social Welfare.
Currently there are 26 rescued children between ages 8 and 16years at the orphanage receiving care and formal education and the remaining also schooling under the care of the social welfare department in Kpando.  
The orphanage which started in 2012 was built by Madamfo Ghana, an NGO with support from Rotary International to provide accommodation and a place to take care of children, who were rescued from slavery in communities along the Volta Lake.
Story by: Lambert Atsivor

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