20 Aug 2013

Health Service Ambulance Crashed In Ho

The crashed Ambulance

An ambulance carrying a patient to the regional hospital in Ho crushed with a Kia carnival yesterday evening, as the two vehicles were negotiating the Ho-Ahoe round-about in opposite directions.
The ambulance with registration number GR 7596-13 was crashed at the passenger side of the front seat by the Kia Carnival with registration number ER 840-13, somersaulted and landed upside down. Onlookers at the scene immediately rushed in to convey the accident victims in a taxi to the Regional Hospital. There were however no casualties, this the onlookers described as a miracle.
The ambulance driver,   40 year old Francis Manu narrating the incident to US FM later at the regional hospital, said they were transferring a 10 year old boy who had a swollen tummy from the Kete-Krachi District Hospital to the Volta Regional Hospital popularly called ‘Trafalgar’.  On board the ambulance was a nurse, the boy’s father and his auntie.
According to the driver, as they approached the roundabout from the Ho stadium road, there was a traffic jam from an adjourning Glala Street Junction towards the roundabout and just as he was negotiating the roundabout in the opposite direction, the Kia Carnival from nowhere hit the passenger side of the ambulance.
Mr. Manu said in order not sweep through some people and a house close by upon the crash, he quickly directed the steering wheel in the opposite direction, causing the vehicle to somersault and fell upside down.  

The Ahoe roundabout is a very busy area surrounded with lots of houses, shops and a variety of venders. This makes the area quite busy with people of all walks of life moving in different directions due to the roads connected to the roundabout and services provided in the area
All persons involved in the accident escaped unhurt, including the driver of the Kia carnival William Offei who is also a staff of the Ghana health service in Ho.
William Offei also 40 years described the ordeal as a miracle. He said he was also on the lane from the Glala street junction towards the roundabout. Just as he was negotiating the roundabout he heard the ambulance’s siren and before he could say jack the ambulance was amazingly crossing in front of him from the opposite direction.
The ambulance has been towed to Municipal Police command, where investigations have already begun.

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