16 Aug 2013

GUMPP project to commence 2014- Baba Jamal

The Ministry of Local Government and Rural Development (MLGRD) and Agence Francaise De Development (AFD) in collaboration with Ghana Urban Management Pilot Project (GUMPP) steering committee held its second meeting in Ho to deliberate on state of the project to be implemented in Kumasi, Sekondi-Takoradi and Tamale Metropolitan Areas and Ho Municipality on pilot basis for five years.
Hon Baba Jamal who chaired the meeting said, project procurement is completed and physical work will commence   early 2014.
He said the public should be rest assured for the crucial projects and proper utilization of the fund. “The program is now in its implementation phase with most of the bidding documents to be finalized” he stated.
 GUMPP which was launched in June last, is aimed increasing investment into urban infrastructure, improve planning and ensuring financial autonomy. The initiative, which would be executed with 40 million Euro loan Euro grant for capacity building from AFD, has various programmes for urban infrastructure development and support measures tailored for each of the participating areas.
The physical projects identified to be executed include market development, bus and lorry parks, solid waste management and treatment, roads development, community upgrading and construction of storm drains. Others are improving institutions and financial management, planning and programming of infrastructure development, which would involve street naming and addressing system, spatial planning and enhancement of Metropolitan, Municipal and District Assemblies' management system.

Meanwhile, the proposed dual carriage road between the OLA traffic light and Deme, which was announced as part of the GUMPP project by the then Vice President John Mahama when he launched the project in Ho last year, is no more part of the official project design because of funding challenges said Mr. Francis Sogbe, finance officer of the Ho Municipal Assembly.
But he said road project would be constructed by the urban roads department of the assembly.
The steering Committee meeting was attended by Regional Minister Northen  Region, Hon Bede Zedeng, Deputy Regional Minister Volta Region, Hon Francis Ganyaglo, Department of Agncies and the French Development Agency (FDA), represented by MS. Mareva Bernard-Herve others include representatives from the ministries and the three municipalities.
Story: Enyonam Mortey, US Fm, Ho

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