11 Sept 2013

Shocking: First Female M.C.E for Ho rejected

Mrs. Adinyira with Hon. Ganyaglo

 It was meant to be a historic moment for the Ho municipal assembly, when members converged on Tuesday to confirm the nomination of Mrs. Fafa Adinyira, as the first woman Municipal chief Executive. But to the shock and surprise of many dignitaries and some members of the public, the assembly members denied her the nod.
Mrs. Adinyira, who needed the votes of 28 members representing two-thirds majority of the 42-member assembly to gain the job, ironically had 28 members voting against and 14 members voting for her.
Her outright rejection sent her mainly women supporters into furious protestations, as they chanted “We would not agree. We want a woman this time round. We would go on the streets.  These men have had their way for too long and must be clipped,”
The women, some said to be representatives of market women, and others dressed in ‘Mahama Ladies’ branded T-Shirts,  had horns ostensibly for celebrations, tore up red clothes and strung them round their neck and moved onto the street in the vicinity of the Assembly offices singing.
Some Aggrieved Women
Some of the protesting women described the result as disgusting and unprecedented and accused the assembly members of a grand agenda to reject the woman’s nomination. They vowed to make representations to President John Mahama through the regional minister to re-nominate Mrs Adinyira.
Madam Mansah Dagbey, The market queen of Ho, said market women will protest the nomination any man to head the assembly. “No man will head this assembly; we will protest against the nomination of a man, we want the woman back” she said.
About 15 police personnel, some with batons, were brought into the Assembly premises while the protestation went on.

Mr Francis Ganyaglo, Deputy Regional Minister, expressed disappointment at the turn of events. “This is the first time a president’s nominee is being rejected. By this rejection, we have all lost, by this rejection, we have all lost,” he said as  dignitaries including, Mr Benjamin Kpodo, Ho-Central Member of Parliament, Captain George Nfodjo, a former Ho District Chief Executive (DCE)were transfixed in their chairs.
Mr. Ganyaglo however said a report will be forward to the president about the turn of events and he will decide the next line of action.
traditional leaders from Ziavi
Among the dignitaries present were Rev. Ledo, a former Moderator of the E.P church and traditional leaders from Ziavi, the hometown of Mrs. Adinyira. There were also high ranking members of the NDC and some municipal and district chief executives from the region to give moral support to the nominee.

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