11 Dec 2013

Doctor Escapes Death

The mangled Car (inset) Injury sustain On Doc's head

A gynaecology specialist at the Volta Regional Hospital, Dr. Eric Yao Amakpa, last Friday night narrowly escaped death in an accident on the Ho-Accra road in which his VW Passat car somersaulted several times before landing up-side-down in a nearby bush.
The car, which was travelling from Ho to Accra, had a head-on collision with a Toyota Land Cruiser which had entered the lane of the doctor. The Land Cruiser was overtaking another vehicle from the Accra end of the road.

Dr. Amakpa, who sustained a deep cut on his head, said he got out of the mangled car after he forcibly opened the door.He attributed his survival to the grace of God, the seatbelt he wore and the airbags.
“I was on my way to Accra when all of a sudden I saw a car overtaking another car in front of me [from the opposite direction].  I just rolled over… for about seven times and the car finally stopped and I forced the door open and came out,” Dr. Amakpa told Accra-based Joy FM.
The driver of the Toyota Land Cruiser, Mensah Nunyuie, sustained no injuries, as his vehicle only had its front left tyre damaged.
He however told the same station that he was swerving another vehicle in front of him, after some police officers suddenly appeared on the road. In the process a VW-Passat also speedily approached from a curve opposite him, resulting in the head-on collision.
The police in Ho confirmed the story and promised to give details later.


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