2 Jan 2014

Ho residents heralds New year with Church Services

Churches within the Ho municipality were filled to capacity on 31st December night, as regular and occasional worshippers thronged in to usher in the New Year 2014 with prayers.
Visit to some of the Orthodox, Pentecostal and Charismatic churches saw most chapels filled to the brim with dozens of worshippers anxiously seated outside awaiting the struck of the 12 midnight to welcome the New Year.
A worshipper at Evangel Assemblies of God Church at Ho-Ahoe who gave his name as Seyram attributed the huge crowd to the presence of ‘Once-a-year-church-Goers’ who wanted to thank God for the passing year and commit the new year into His hands.
Ironically, most entertainment joints in town were however deserted within the period leaving bar attendants to engage chit-chats.  
‘Most people have gone for 31st night church vigil, that’s why you can see us idling around but I can tell you after the church service, we’ll get busy till the morning’, an anonymous bar attendant at a popular joint on the Rev. Trost street said.
And as the clock struck midnight January 1, 2014, tower bells were banging from the various catholic churches in town amidst blasting of firecrackers. Loud sounds of worship and praises songs were echoed by jubilant worshippers thanking God for seeing them through into the New Year.
The clergy also led their congregations through special prayers to seek God’s blessings for their families, communities and the nation in the New Year.
In his New Year sermon on Wednesday, Rev. Fr. Jesse Amedzi, the parish priest of Holy Spirit Catholic Church at Ho-SSNIT flats, asked Christians to be change agents in their communities so as to win more souls for God in this New Year.
“This is a year of change, so be the agent of change in your families, communities and the nation”, he declared as he proclaimed God’s peace and blessings on the nation.
Fr. Amedzi also urged Christians to eschew selfishness and devote their time to the service of others, as Jesus Christ did for mankind.

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